Many industries such as insurance companies, financial institutions, and credit card companies rely extensively on telephone interviews to conduct their investigations. There are a number of different skills required to conduct telephone interviews versus a face to face interview. For this reason, we contracted with Daniel Marsano, a leading expert in telephone interviewing techniques, to help write this course. This three hour course is our most frequently re-ordered audio course by the same company -- after hearing the course they want to expose the techniques to other divisions or investigators in different locations.
(NOTE - THIS IS THE ELECTRONIC VERSION) The training program is accompanied with a 64 page study guide and includes the following topics: PART I: INTRODUCTION TO TELEPHONE INTERVIEWING Limitations and benefits of a telephone interview Goals of the telephone interview Appropriate and inappropriate use of telephone interviews When and where to call Starting the interview Establishing rapport with the subject Procedural considerations Personality traits of a successful interviewer PART II: BEHAVIOR ANALYSIS Channels of communication General assessment versus specific event assessments Evaluating attitudes Psychological principles of verbal behavior Truthful behavior symptoms Deceptive behavior symptoms Response latency Voice characteristics Erasure behaviors Psychological principles of response content Evaluating memory Evaluating segments of an account Evaluating pronouns Phrases which indicate edited information Evaluating logic within a response PART III: QUESTION TECHNIQUES Interview structure The initial open questions Techniques to draw out a response Asking clarifying questions Asking direct questions Summary statements Linguistic interpretations
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