Sexual Assault and Child Abuse Case Comments
"I have been using the Reid Technique since the training. I have been very successful using this technique. I got a confession two days after the training. I also got a confession from a "long-time" sexual offender. He had been investigated many times over a 20 year period - with no one obtaining a confession until I used the Reid Technique on him."
Mack Rayburn Kentucky State Police
The following is a comment from an individual who attended our seminar The Reid Technique of Investigative Interviewing for Child Abuse Cases sponsored by the Virginia Department of Children and Family Services: I am Crystal Yeatts; I am an investigator with the Halifax County Sheriff's Office. I wanted to send an email to thank you so much for having the Child Abuse Course in Staunton, Virginia in the beginning of March. I thoroughly enjoyed learning from David Buckley as he has so much to offer to a novice like me. I began my tour of duty in child abuse investigations in January after almost seven years of patrol and was having a hard time soliciting and determining the truthfulness of suspects suspected of sexual abuse against children. Attending the conference in March was an eye-opening experience for me. I learned to listen to every word that a suspect is telling you; a suspect will tell you why he did what he did if you ask the right questions and those questions were presented and taught at this conference. Since attending the conference, my confession rate has dramatically increased. I had a case where the victim would get to the point of the assault on her and she would freeze up and could tell me nothing else; however, she named a suspect. I interviewed the suspect and then went straight into an interrogation; I was able to get a confession from the suspect without even knowing what exactly had happened. I could not have done that without the knowledge that I gained from attending the Child Abuse Course. I also learned a lot from the Improving Investigation and Prosecution of Child Abuse. I learned to "think outside of the box", so to speak. Investigating child abuse is much more different that investigating a B&E. Child abuse cases take so much more time to investigate and there is usually not much evidence to collect, so you have to speak to anyone who is remotely involved with the case to create collateral evidence. I learned from this conference where to go to look for collateral evidence that will help to prove that the victim is telling the truth. I also learned tips to improve my interviewing skills of children which I have had a chance to put to great use already. Again, I just wanted to tell you thank you for sponsoring these conferences. These conferences have helped my greatly and have improved my investigative skills, which allows me to help the people who matter the most-the victims. I also wanted to let you know that the MDT that I am a member of is planning to attend the Finding Words conference in September. I think there will be around 10 people from our team attending if accepted. If for some chance that the date is changed, we will probably have another one or two people attending. Our best social worker for the county is going to be on annual leave on the tentative date in September and will not be able to attend unfortunately. Anyway, thank you again and I hope that these comments will be useful to you for future grants.
Crystal Yeatts, Investigator Halifax County Sheriff's Office
"I have worked for child protective services for 9 years and this training was the best I had ever received in regards to interviewing alleged perpetrators. I have encouraged our State Police and local law enforcement to attend the Reid training."
Kay McInnis Wabash Co division of Family & Children Services
Dave, I participated in your July 2002 seminar in Ft. Collins, Colorado. I am the Director of HR at SDSM&T in Rapid City, SD, and as such I am responsible for conducting all of the campus investigations related to discrimination, harassment, and inappropriate behaviors. Anyway, I thought I would let you know that recently I conducted an investigation in which a TA (teaching assistant/grad student) made an offer to a female student that he would give her answers to a test for a sexual favor (quid pro quo at it's finest). I not only substantiated the student's allegations, but I also was able to get the TA to write a "confession" that he had done it! I used to dread these investigations, particularly the sexual harassment variety, but now I must admit I sort of look forward to getting into and letting your technique work its magic! Your presentation style for teaching the technique certainly adds to the success of the technique! Just thought you might want to know . .
Deb Sloat Director of Human Resources South Dakota School of Mines & Technology
The following is a comment from an individual who attended our seminar The Reid Technique of Investigative Interviewing for Child Abuse Cases sponsored by the Virginia Department of Children and Family Services: Thanks! And I also wanted to say thanks for the John Reid training. I did my first interrogation the other day for an investigation - alleged offender refused to talk to the police and I actually got a confession. Taking the course was worth it just for that! So again tell whoever thanks for getting that training here! Hope you are doing well!
Kimberly Caylor Winchester Department of Social Services
"Approx. 2 weeks after the seminar I worked an aggravated sexual assault against a 2 year old child. It was a cooperative investigation with another agency, who's detective also attended the same seminar as myself. Utilizing the techniques learned in the seminar we were able to obtain a rock-solid confession. We both remarked after the confession that the techniques we learned and used during the interrogation absolutely facilitated the suspect's confession. Our supervisor could not believe that we got the suspect to admit to his crimes."
DSG Bill Coyle Spring Wake Boro PD
Many child victims have been saved due to your technique.
I am retiring in 3 days. It has always been a pleasure working with your company. I have made it my goal to train as many of our people in your technique as possible. It has made a huge difference the agencies investigations. Many bad people have gone to prison due to your training. Many child victims have been saved due to your technique. I will promote your company and technique even after I retire. Good luck in the future and keep up the good work. Thanks again
Sgt. Mack Rayburn Kentucky State Police Academy
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Theft and Fraud Case Comments
"The best, most useful training I have ever received. I have gotten confessions on fraud cases that I never would have believed possible."
Lonnie J. Jarvis Jr. Blue Cross Blue Shield of SC
Hello Mr. Senese, I participated in your recent training course in Las Vegas, and I am writing to thank you for the excellent training you provided. Since completion of the course, I have obtained confessions on all five of my internal interviews using the Reid training. The cases ranged from an associate force balancing their cash drawer, to an associate defalcation of over $45,000 loss to the bank. Many thanks, and I am looking forward to the advanced course in September. Heather Holmgren Investigator Bank of America, Nevada
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Telephone Interview Comments
"I have used the information provided by the Reid Technique seminar when doing telephone investigations. All of my work is done on the phone and I resolve more cases now by using what I learned at the seminar. Thanks,"
Sheila Fitzpatrick AT&T Broadband
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Training Officers and Supervisor Comments
"I was the conference coordinator for the training. Consequently, I have not had an opportunity to use the Reid Technique with suspects. I was very impressed with the training and have arranged another 3-day Child Abuse Course for November 2002."
Holly Oehrlein VA Department of Criminal Justice Services
"As a training coordinator I see a big difference in the cases solved by those that have attended the Reid seminar. We send every investigator to your classes."
Sgt. J. Richard Ward Charlottesville PD VA
I have literally just returned from combat operations in Iraq. Along those lines, I can tell you that (the Reid training)is an investment that was well spent. I used the Reid Technique on several prisoners including members of the Saddam Fedayeen (a ultra-radical paramilitary terrorist group) with OUTSTANDING success. Hands down, the real-world application of the techniques from the basic and advanced courses you provided me and my team translated into actionable intelligence on the battlefield. I will try to get as many Counterintelligence Marines to your course as possible. The right tool for any interrogation or debriefing. Semper Fidelis
USMC Counterintelligence Officer
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New and Experienced Interrogators Comment on their success
Mark, My name is Jeremy Kranawetter. I am a Detective with the Murphysboro, Illinois Police Department and attended your training seminar at John A Logan College this week. I wanted to first thank you for the incredible training, and let you know it immediatley put it to use. On Friday, March 7, 2014 I received an employee theft report from patrol. Attorney, Christine Heins, owner of the "Heins Law Office" reported $450.00 stolen, and explained her suspicion of one of two employees. I reviewed the case and found (what I thought) were a few issues. First, there was no physcial evidence. Second, the Law Office has very little security measures when it comes to collecting money from clients. And lastly, it was both of Heins; employees had access to the money at the office. I conducted an interview with Heins' employee and prime suspect, Jill Blessing on that same Friday. I was unable to obtain a confession, however I was 100% confident Jill was responsible for the theft. Untrained....I let her walk out. After taking your class this week, I decided to call Jill this morning and request her to come back into the Police Department to go over a few additional details. Jill agreed and arrived at the PD within the hour. I obatined Jill's permission to record the interview, and adivsed her of her Miranda rights. As instructed, i informed her the investigations was complete and it clearly showed she took the $450.00. Jill gave a very poor and lightly spoken denial. I used "common theif/deceptive person vs. a good person who was experience financial strain, I used planned out vs. spur of the moment, and I used doesn't care vs. remorseful. I used all three of these together rather than switching from one to the other. After approximatley 28 minutes of interrogation and repeating the theme around 8 to a dozen times, Jill confessed! She stated she took the money to help pay her monthly bills, and intended on paying the money back with her tax return money. She said the client came into retrieve the money in January, and she (Jill) didn't get her tax return until the end of Febraury. I am convinced I would have given up on this case, as I have many like it in the past, if it were not for your training. Thanks again, and I already have a copy of the interrogation to send to you at completion of the court process. I reviewed it and determined I wasn't listening to you when you said to move the subjects personal items out of reach. I didn't realize she took so many drinks from her fountain soda!!!
Many child victims have been saved due to your technique."
I am retiring in 3 days. It has always been a pleasure working with your company. I have made it my goal to train as many of our people in your technique as possible. It has made a huge difference the agencies investigations. Many bad people have gone to prison due to your training. Many child victims have been saved due to your technique. I will promote your company and technique even after I retire. Good luck in the future and keep up the good work. Thanks again
Sgt. Mack Rayburn Kentucky State Police Academy
Mr. Senese, I attended your three day course of the Reid Technique at Ledward Barracks in Schweinfurt, GE. That course was probably the best training I've received in my four years of military service. I did purchase a membership and look forward to taking the certification exam in a number of months. Thank you both for coming down. I work as a Military Police Investigator here in Schweinfurt. Yesterday we had a case where a five year old girl had went to school and told the teacher that her father had punched her mother. The teacher reported this to our station. Patrols responded to the quarters and noticed a lot of swelling and bruising on the mother's face. The mother stated that she had "...slipped, fell and hit the side of a heater getting out of the shower." Patrols obtained a statement and photos. This wasn't my case but after looking at the photos I couldn't ignore the damages to the victims face as just an "accident." So I fought for the case and called both the husband and wife in for questioning. The husband showed up first so I interviewed him and seen all the signs of a deceptive person. I followed the Reid Technique as by the book as I could. In forty-five min., I not only had a written, detailed and signed confession, but the subject was in tears when I left the room. "YES!!!" was what I was thinking. I did the same with the wife. She had a little trouble "...remembering the details," but I obtained a detailed statement fingering her husband as the assailant. Thank you again for coming down. Thanks to that course I was able to make one more person accountable for his actions.
Hello Mark (Reid) I just finished your class at the San Marcos Police Department. I had my first interview today and used a lot of the ideas and styles you showed us. Well after a little over an hour I was able to get my subject to admit he had assaulted his wife. I had to laugh after leaving the room because it was just like the videois you showed us in class. At first No I did not assault her!!! She is lying!!!! She just wants me to go to jail!!! To yeah ok I knocked her down and hit her in the back of her neck. So thank you for the class and I will keep you informed of any new confessions I get.
Detective Robert Elrod, Badge #416 San Marcos Police Department
Thank you again for your timely support to an alumni such as more successful Interview and Interrogation due to the Reid protocol/training. Although I had a prime suspect among a couple hundred people (3 story building/1 agency w/multiple divisions), I went about my plans today and left with a full, handwritten confession. I will always be thankful I completed the Reid Basic and Advanced courses, and will be an advocate to those investigators wanting to develop their skills at interviewing. Best Wishes!
Lance Engle , Sr. Supervisor AGO Investigator Office of the Attorney General, Seattle, WA
I took the Reid Interview and Interrogation Technique Basic and Advanced courses from John Reid at Ft Sam Houston, TX in 2006. I found the courses to be very helpful while I was deployed to Iraq as an interrogator. I appreciate these methods much more than others I have learned and believe that they should be the only ones relied upon as they are so effective.
Dianna Skowera
Absolutely amazing job
My name is Trevor Ridgeway and I recently attended one week of your instruction in Oklahoma City. I simply wanted to let you know the class was excellent. This was my second time to attend the class and I was amazed by all the things I learned or refreshed my memory on. The instructor, Rick Sjoberg, did an absolutely amazing job. The passion and excitement he brought to the subject made the class great. Not only did he present the information thoroughly but fun as well. Thank you Reid for the information and Thank you Rick for presenting it the way you did!
Trevor D. Ridgeway Special Agent-Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation
I recently attended the 3 day seminar on Interview and Interrogation at the Crown Plaza Detroit Metro Airport. I was the young guy in the back of the class with the Orange ball cap on. I work for the Jackson County Sheriff Department. I recently had the pleasure to use the techniques I learned while in class. I am happy to report that I am 2 for 2 on Confessions. The first confession involved a mother who beat her 17 yr old daughter w/ a leather strap. Obtaining the confession was a piece of cake, I used the questions almost verbatim...I added my own finess The 2nd confession dealt w/ a man who just put a 9mm up to his girlfriends head then turned the gun on himself. He never ended up shooting anybody, however after I had him in custody and read miranda I was able to blame the victim (I love that theme) and get a full confession in just about 20 min. All audio and video recorded. I was pumped up. But not as pumped up as the suspect who just confessed because just after confessing he had a heart attack in the back of my patrol car! I am not kidding! He lived but is now spending time in out County Hotel! Thanx REID Instructors, I may have found my thing in Law Enforcement. Jackson County Sheriff Department, Jackson, Michigan 49201
bet on mma Road Patrol, 5 yrs experience
Another Success Story! I have previously submitted a comment to your firm, but I just canit help but submit another one, after having such overwhelming success with The Reid Technique.* I recently investigated a case of employee theft for a company that receives and ships millions of dollars worth of electronic equipment every week.* They recently had a small amount of merchandise go missing from their warehouse.* * Long story shortOeI interviewed the employees who were working at the time that the merchandise was taken.* All of the employees denied having any knowledge of or involvement with the stolen items.* However, one particular employee was shocked and dismayed that someone would perpetrate such a crime against this company.* The only problem was, throughout the entire interview, he exhibited every sign of deceit known to man!* They were classic, textbook deceit indicators that are taught in your course.* Everything from words used and voice intonations to body language, hand gestures and facial expressions; it was all there. * After 20 to 30 minutes of denials during the interview, I stepped out of the room (within hearing distance of the employee), placed a phone call to my wife asking if the fingerprint analysis was completed (not that she had anything to do with the case), then stepped back into the room and began the interrogation.* I must note here, I only used the ifingerprint analysisi tactic because we were able to obtain the original packaging that the items were removed from.* While he didnit immediately confess, he did immediately stop denying that he took the items. *With a little bit of downplaying what he did compared to the ithousands of dollars of merchandise stolen by other employees,i he agreed to sign a letter of apology and would try to return the items he took (if he can get them back from the person he gave them to).* He told me he did it because he was financially strapped and in danger of losing his apartment and his car. * He was immediately terminated from employment without prejudice.* He then drove off in a shiny, new car with tinted windows and sporty, chrome rims.
Timothy S. Gledhill, Vice President Aurico Investigations, LLC
It's been 2 years since I took the Reid course in Chicago, but this year I have had my easiest case ever. I was at a store with numerous cash shortages, and because of the store staffing, every employee was working on the days with the shortages. I used the Subject Information Sheet and scored each employee, the one scoring highest was my first interview. As I worked through the interview, I felt that this was the person responsible for the shortages. When I got to the Bait Question on the Subject Interview Sheet, I explained to the employee that from time to time cameras are used during investigations. When I asked "Would there be any reason why you would be seen on camera taking money from the register?", the employee answered "Yes". It took a moment to realize that the employee was confessing, and from there I obtained the admission for all the cash shortages. Thanks for the great training!
Joseph H. Pfeifer, CFE The Sherwin-Williams Company
"Thank you for the most valuable tool in my cop toolbox" We recently received the following from a past participant: "I recently retired from my department. Early in my career as a detective, and before the internet, I heard of your program. And I had the good fortune to be sent to both courses. In the course of time, I used the techniques that I was taught. Two recollections come to my mind. First, after trial a young prosecutor in his office commented on my summary of the defendant's confession, "How the hell do you do it?" Second, on my last day as I looked in my bathroom mirror asked myself the question. My answer was, NO! I never put an innocent person in jail. Thank you for the most valuable tool in my cop toolbox." I remain grateful,
Robert Muncy LEO/I ret.
Dear Mark: I have been working a drug case and I have been waiting to talk to the guy until I took your class. Everyone told me the guy would not talk to me and there was no way I would get a confession out of him. So Wednesday I stop by his place of work and ask him to coming in on Thursday to talk about the matter, he said OK. Thursday he came in at 4 pm and I interviewed him for about 45 mins and I new he was involved,so I left the rooms and worked on some themes and I went back in there with my big case file with his info on it and started interrogation him. I went by the Reid outline and had to work alot of themes and 3rd party stories but after 2 hours he confessed. The Reid Technique works great. No one could believe I got a confession out of him. I just want to say thanks for the great class, because if an old redneck boy like myself can use the technique anyone can, and after it was over the guy was friendly and helpful and he told me that a cop has never sat down with him and wanted to hear his side of the story.
Thanks Chief William Kelcy Rising Star TX PD
Recently your firm conducted training in the St. Louis metro area. I sent a number of my senior staff to examine the feasibility of applying your methods of interview to the current practices within our organization. I am very pleased to inform you that your firm received glowing remarks and I was encouraged to send as many of our personnel as possible. I came to the federal government from local law enforcement and quickly learned that the applicable standards for conducting interviews are significantly different. I'm certain that your program will do well and expand in popularity with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. Thank you.
Don L. Daniel, Jr. National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
Without a doubt, the 3 days I spent attending a Reid seminar were so instrumental in conducting proper and successful investigations
I was an Internal Affairs Special Agent for the Justice Department. I attended a 13 week criminal investigator training course at FLETC in Brunswick, Georgia, and the training was quite good. However, at the conclusion of the training, I was required to attend a Reid Course, which I did in Denver, Colorado. In the next four years, I conducted approximately 1400 sit down interviews and/or interrogations. Without a doubt, the 3 days I spent attending a Reid seminar were so instrumental in conducting proper and successful investigations. Thank you for providing this very useful training which can be immediately applied once on the job and in the chair.
Michael Smith North Augusta, South Carolina
"It gave a side of Interviewing and interrogation that most investigators do not know of or use. I had little experience with I&I before your course. However the knowledge I gained was extremely helpful. The very first interview and interrogation of my first suspect was text book. You could have used it in your class, including the 6 page written confession and the tears to go with it."
Detective Robert Picciano NYPD-NY County Dist. Atty Squad
I attended the Reid training early in my career as a Detective (mid 80's) and over the years thought it might be the best training of my career. As Chief of the Galax Police Department each of my detectives have attended the training as well as seven members of my uniform patrol staff. The four officers who attended the training last week came back enthused. One of the officers came back and sought out a burglary suspect who promptly confessed. Too often I send officers to specialized training and don't get a very good return for our investment in funds and time. That has never been the case with your course offering. I just wanted you to know how appreciative I am.
Rick Clark, Chief of Police Galax Police Department
Good Morning Gary: I've been meaning to provide you some direct feedback on the Interviews & Interrogation (I&I) class given by Sergio Parisi from February 10-13 in Richland, WA. As I may or may not have mentioned to you, this was probably my fourth I&I class that I've attended over the years (as it is an excellent refresher). I must tell you, that Sergio was by far the best I&I instructor I have experienced by Reid. Not to mention, I've had nothing but very positive feedback from the other students about his style, demeanor, and how he addressed our particular audience. A+++ Please pass this along to give him the KUDOS he deserves! Thanks for all your help and assistance as well! Perhaps in another year or two we'll do it again:)
V/r, Bonnie Lazor U.S. Department of Energy
Hi Lou- I felt that I owed it to you to let you know how much your class helped me. I have been doing law enforcement my entire adult life and I've done my share of interviews. I applied your methods earlier today. The suspect, a career criminal, actually brought his 18 mo old son to the interview which threw me off, but I figured it was a ruse. He was very good and didn't give me a lot, but was not coming off as truthful either. On a few of the questions he provided "textbook" deceitful nuances and this gave me the resolve to shift into the interrogation rather than delay it.
I had a signed confession in an hour and he thanked me.
Now it's my turn to thank you; you taught me how to close the loop and not stall out on the myriad denials and smokescreens. But what I like best is that you and your method emphasize the dignity of the suspect and supporting them in arriving at their own conclusions.
Sincere thanks.
Steve/Supervisor/Federal Agency
"I saw an immediate difference in my interviews! I've gotten so many confessions! It was worth every penny."
Marcus Adams Madison PD Alabama
I had the pleasure to attend the REID Training here at Ft. Bragg North Carolina on 22- 24 April 2009. I would like to commend the instructor Mr. Sergio Parisi, for his outstanding block of instruction, enthusiasm, and subject knowledge of the material that was presented. I believe in the future the if we ever need to incorporate these techniques to get a fair and un bias interview and or interroragation that the training taught to us will be useful and another tool to use on the "War on Terror".
Mr. Buckley, I just completed your training in the Child Abuse course up in Marquette, MI. It was an excellent course and refresher for me. On the final day of the course I had to get back because I was finishing an Arson case. A subject tried to burn down the house of a fellow police officer (K9). The K9 had success busting this subject and his friends and this person wanted to get back at the officer. The Arson happened in June 2003. The subject displayed classic signs of deception during behavioral An. Questions (e.g. rubbing neck, looking away, couldn't offer other suspects). When asked on motive of others he offered his own ("maybe the officer was getting on someone's ass too much.") When confronted on interrogation and told he was the one "to start the fire's" he said calmly, "okay." The monologue went on for several minutes and the alternative offered was whether he was trying to kill the officer's pregnant wife and 4 year old daughter (officer was on-duty at time of fire) or just trying to get attention of officer with property damage? After several minutes he shook his head yes and came out with full confession and ultimately wrote a confession. He even wrote an apology to the officer. Within our dept. this case was possibly going to go unsolved even though we thought we knew who did it. We developed a good case but ultimately to get the confession was a great feeling. The REID Technique was a huge help and I would like to thank you for the training which concluded on the same day the confession was achieved.
D/Sgt Joe Le Mire Escanaba Public Safety Dept.
Thank you again for your timely support to an alumni such as more successful Interview and Interrogation due to the Reid protocol/training. Although I had a prime suspect among a couple hundred people (3 story building/1 agency w/multiple divisions), I went about my plans today and left with a full, handwritten confession. I will always be thankful I completed the Reid Basic and Advanced courses, and will be an advocate to those investigators wanting to develop their skills at interviewing. Best Wishes!
Lance Engle -Sr. Supervisor AGO Investigator Office of the Attorney General , Seattle, WA
"If the technique is used properly, I honestly believe that any investigator using the Reid Technique will have a 75-100% success rate in getting confessions. Right now I'm 15 of 17 in getting confessions on cases that include rapes, robbery, crimes against children, and cold cases. Your Technique is strongly recommended by me!"
Vaden Pollard Sebring PD
Mr. David Buckley, I had attended your training class at the Double Tree in Pittsburgh, Pa last week. I want to first of all thank you and it was a wonderful class. The class helped me obtain my first confession as a Detective. Long story short a female made a report through the patrol division that she was assaulted and the suspect attempted to sexually assault her. While interviewing the female I found several inconsistencies with her story compared to what she told the patrol officer. During the interrogation I used the theme of blaming it on her husband that this was all his fault. She eventually confessed to me that she made the story up because she was mad at him and she sustained her injuries from falling because she was intoxicated. Thanks again for the training.
Detective C. P. Ocean City Police Department, CID
Dear Dave, This is Joe Vanek from the Mentor Fire Dept. I took your course back in 2002 and would like to share some huge successes that we have had using The Reid Technique. Since 2002 we have had 23 fires and 18 of those fires have been successfully investigated and arrests have been made. We at Mentor Fire Dept would like you and every one to know how impressed The City Of Mentor has been with the success... this is due to your course. Please call us at 440-974-5705 and ask for Deputy Chief Searles, as we would like to take this training a step further. Without your help and your class we probably would not have had such good results. Here is just one of the 18 investigations completed: we have a nature preserve that was burned in 2003 - approx 400 acres - this was an Arson Case under investigation for over a year. This year, on Aug 14,2004, two gentlemen were arrested and charged using your technique. Every time... you probably donit hear this enoughOe. this is a huge success for us. We hope that Reid and Assoc. would like to do something with this success story because these numbers for us are very impressive. I thought you would like to share them with your potential students in hopes that everyone that is thinking of taking an interview course would go through Reid. I also belong to Lake County Fire Investigation Team and I am spreading the word that the proof is in Reid and Associates. Sincerely, Joseph M. Vanek
Joseph M. Vanek
I wanted to get with you and your organization to tell that I could not be more pleased with Rich Byington's presentation to my team. Everyone and I mean everyone said it was one of the best classes they have ever attended. It was great material and he made a great presentation.
Micheal L. Ocello, President VCG Holding Corp
I was dispatched to the residence of an elderly woman for a reported burglary. While she was out of the house for a couple hours early that morning, someone took a saw from her garage and cut open a screen to a window in the back of the house. The suspect then opened the window to reach in and unlock the door. He then entered the house and took several pieces of valuable jewelry from an upstairs bedroom. Nothing else in the house was disturbed or missing which led me to believe that the suspect had a familiar layout of the house. The victim suspected that her grandson, Troy, had committed the burglary. She informed me that Troy was homeless and had lived with her for a short time until she found that he began to steal money from her to buy drugs. When she realized this, Troy was thrown out of the house and was not welcome back inside the home. I learned that Troy was currently on probation and I spoke with his probation officer to set up a time that I could interview him. During the initial interview, Troy denied having any involvement in the burglary and he claimed he did not know who was to blame. I tried to bait him by telling him that fingerprints were lifted from the crime scene and that I would soon find out who they belonged to but he insisted that he was not involved. He admitted that he was in the garage looking for his personal property during the time frame that the crime had been committed but he stated that he never entered the house. Troy agreed to take a polygraph and I told him that I would speak to our detective to set up a time for it. I knew he was not offering me the truth about his involvement but I could not get him to admit it. During the next few days I was present during the Interview and Interrogation class at my police department offered by Reid. The day after the class ended, I had Troy come to the police department for a second interview. During that interview, he offered the same story that he gave me in my first interview. This time, however, I was able to observe several signs that showed he was being deceptive; lack of eye contact, grooming gestures, repositioning his body posture, changing the subject, etc. I left the room and came back about ten minutes later with a file folder. While I stood next to him, I told Troy that the investigation clearly showed that he was responsible for the crime. He remained silent and offered no denial. I repeated my previous statement and told him that I only needed to figure out why he did it. He then spoke up and claimed that he was not to blame. I told him that there was no doubt in my mind that he was responsible and again said I needed to know why. I developed my theme using information I obtained from him and from his grandmother. I brought up the fact that he had been homeless and without a job for two years, that he lost contact with most of his family, that he had no way to buy food, clothes or shelter for himself. I offered the reasons that he either stole the jewelry to get money so he could get through the day and survive or that he did it maliciously and did not care that he hurt his grandmother. Troy tried to interject but I cut him off and repeated my theme several times. The more I repeated it, Troy slowly but surely found himself in the "defeated position" and eventually said, "You're right. I was in survival mode." I offered him positive reinforcement about his admission and I obtained a full confession about what actually happened. Troy gave a written statement which included his reasoning for committing the burglary and stealing the jewelry. I have no doubt that I will be using the Reid Technique with new cases I am faced with in the future.
Adam Marois Manchester Police
I truly enjoyed the class, and considered it one of the most relevant and instructional classes I have taken since I attended the Academy 19 years ago. I will be contacting my training unit in regards to my membership in The Reid Institute and advise you. One note: the second day back on patrol after taking Mike Adamecis 3-day seminar, I was on a routine felony theft call with no suspect info. No info, save the intuition of the highly agitated and barely credible victim. She pointed me at a neighbor and he and I had a quick chat. My cop radar indicated he was probably full of carp, but I had no evidence. Zip, nada. As I drove away, I remembered all the verbal, non-verbal and para-linguistic (love that word) cues the perp was throwing my way. Classic. I pulled a U-turn and went back. I started with an elaborate ruse, fingerprinting the victimis car in plain view of his unit. Then I shoved my thumbprint onto a fingerprint card and brought out the itelltale printi for all the world to see. I motioned for my perp to join me in a nice, quiet, garbage-ridden corner of the walkway, then I switched into interrogation mode. I dangled the print card as if I were unsuccessfully trying to hide it, and launched into my amateur version of iThe Reid Method.i I let him know that I couldnit eliminate him as a suspect, and asked for his cooperation. I advised him that latent prints only last 24-48 hours before evaporation (more carp), and that, by his own admission, he had not been inside the victimis car during this time period. I told him that the prints would positively identify the suspect, who would then be charged with a felony. I launched into my theme, using intoxication, the victimis stupidity for leaving the door unlocked with her purse inside, and his own meager finances. I let him know it was clear he was the perpetrator, and that he needed to let me know that he was not a simple, heartless thief. I was just getting wound up when the heretofore stoic individual jumped on the bandwagon. iYea, I was drunk.i He walked into his unit and came out with the purse. I was so shocked I didnit know what to do. Then I remembered, and took care of business. Obviously, you donit need me to tell you your interview/interrogation techniques work. I would like to thank you for passing along the technique, and hope to be back in class for some more training in the future.
Brian OiNeill Auburn Police Department
My name is Lou Pearson and I'm a detective with the North Palm Beach police department in Florida. I attended the Reid Interview and Interrogation course hosted at the Palm Beach Gardens police department last month (December 2011) which you instructed. I just wanted to write and tell you how much I enjoyed the seminar and that I'm currently 5 for 5 in obtaining confessions using Reid! I've been teaming up with Jose Nunez of the Juno Beach police department and we keep getting positive results so thank you for that! My first two interrogations were movers who were suspected of stealing jewelry during a job, first interrogation lasted almost 2 hours and the second one was 2 hours and 11 minutes but I stuck to the program and it paid off! Just wanted to let you know that I thought the seminar was a home run and it's definitely working, thanks again. Also, wanted to send my condolences for the shellacking that my Patriots handed to your Broncos! Tebow was a worthy opponent though.
Lou Pearson
"I have been an investigator for 11 years. I felt that in my 16 years in law enforcement it has been one of the finest schools that I have attended. I have conducted about 25 major case interviews since attending Reid and have got confessions in all 25 cases. I recommended "The Reid Technique" to all law enforcement. Thank you"
Detective Tom Walsh Hartford County Sheriff's Office
I attended the class in Charlotte this week that Mr. Mark Reid conducted. This is by far and away the best, most informative and well presented class I've attended in a long, long time! 2/29/12
I thought that the seminar was excellent. I learned some tactics that will not only be helpful for police officer, but will help in interviewing witnesses in trial preparation. I would give it an A+.
Patrick Duncan County Attorney, Fulton County
I thoroughly enjoyed the recent training attended in Moses Lake, WA. I have been a State employee for 41 years having worked in 2 agencies holding 8 separate positions. Your training stands out as one of the most superior and dynamic I have had the privilege to attend. The Reid style provides further insight as well as enhancing skill levels to maintain a high level of job performance. During my tenure, I have attended other Reid training which I found to be of equal caliber. Thank you for a job well done.
Claudia M. Sealock, Safety Compliance Officer Division of Occupational Safety & Health State of Washington
"Excellent Technique that I constantly use as a detective in our department. I highly recommend this valuable training to all officers. My confession rate dramatically improved form 75% to almost 100% of the time after I received this training. Thank you and keep up the good work."
David Meade Brooklyn Hights PD
I recently completed subject class at our office in Memphis, TN. I feel compelled to advance my opinion. Without a doubt, this was the most interesting class/course I have been a part of in quite some time. The instructor was Mr. Rich Byington. He kept the class engaged not only with his technical expertise, but with real life examples and videos of the areas being covered at the time. There was a diverse group of folks in the class. There were Law Enforcement Officers, Regulatory Personnel, Behavior Detection Officers, and Transportation Security Managers. Mr. Byington expertly tailored the course material to each respective area of interest, and related examples of how these skills could be used in our jobs.
I just wanted to say thank you for the professional presentation, and ask that you pass on my sentiments to the management group.
T. W. Billings, AFSDS Memphis International Airport
THANK YOU!!!! I say thank you because, I used to be afraid of interviewing someone. After your class, I am no longer intimidated by interviewing and interrogating them!! Before, I thought I knew when someone was not telling the truth, and more often than not, I was wrong. I work third shift now as a patrol officer. So, I don't get much opportunity to interview and interrogate in this small town. But, recently I had the opportunity to do just that. I received a dispatch to a possible theft at one of our local bars. Normally, I would walk in, take the initial report and leave the rest to the detectives. But, this time was different. I wanted to test out my new knowledge! So, I get as much information as possible on my suspect. I go to every known location that she hangs out. Finally, a bar owner tells me where she lives. I go to her residence only to find her not home. I told her husband, "I want to talk to your wife about the medication that she is accused of stealing from "this bar" and "this person"." The husband says, "ok, I'll let her know." 5 minutes later, she's calling the police station, where I'm waiting for the call. I again tell her, "I want to interview you regarding the 60 Xanex that you are being accused of stealing from "this person" at "this bar"." Of course, she goes in to this long drawn out story of how she didn't take the medication. I again tell her to come in to the police station so I can interview her, and now her "witness" that she wanted to bring. I oblige and the two come in. (Now I have to say, I did purchase your portfolio of questions to ask along with the notepad that is supplied.) I bring the accused into my office (I know, a lot of clutter and not the ideal place to conduct the interview but it was all I had at the time), I sit directly in front of her keeping my distance. I began and read directly from my newly purchased portfolio of questions ( I know, again, not ideal). She answers all of my questions and really doesn't move much, but at the end of every answer she would ramble on and on about her family and brothers being addicts. I wasn't sure what this meant until later. So, again, I'm not sure whether she's lying to me or not. UNTIL, I interview her "witness"! Mind you the interview for the accused laster approximately 45 minutes. The "witness" interview lasted 10 minutes and she answered the "punishment" and "second chance" questions just like you said!! "Get in trouble" and "NO, once a thief always a thief" I was so astounded at her replies that at the end of the interview when she said she was innocent I said "I know you are! But, your friend is lying to me! And, she's going to come back in and confess to stealing those pills." So, I let the "witness" out of my officer and as I'm requesting the "accused" to come back in the two pass. I heard something said, but I don't think the "accused" heard it. I bring the accused back into my office, set her down, and say, "Accused, the results of my investigation indicate that your not being truthful, and that you are the one that took those Xanex." I wait for the reply, "Really" There it is!! Jackpot!! I sit down, and go in to a small talk of how there are two types of people that do this sort of thing. Those that are sorry for what they have done, and those that don't care and are just thiefs! Within approximately 45 seconds of this talk, the accused drops her head.........and I move in close and say......"you are sorry aren't you?" Twice I had to say this and on the second time..........she confesses and gives me 20 Xanex from her purse!!!! I have only gotten maybe 5 confessions in my short career in this small town and they were easy. The crime didn't fit the evidence and I pushed that on them. But this one was different. I used an extremely effective method and got the confession!!! So, I say again.....THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!
Sergeant Stephen Hurd Hartford City Police Department
Investment in Reid seminar pays off<br>Just another testimony about your training! Officer Burnett cleared four burglaries yesterday by confession! The real difference that the training has made for him is a great improvement in his communication skills, he has developed a real "feel" for non-verbal indicators of deception. Officer Toney recently used the training in clearance of a business burglary, that arrest resulted in the identification of suspects and clearance of cases in two states.<br> <br>Too often I invest budgetary funds in training without visible results, it is very rewarding for me personally and professionally when an investment pays off. Thanks!
Rick Clark, Chief of Police Galax Police Department
"Before I attended the seminar, sometimes during interviews I could get to the point just shy of a confession but couldn't close it. After attending, I changed my techniques to the things taught and have experienced an increase in confessions. I highly recommend this seminar to my fellow Detectives."
Mack Flood Dalton PD
Absolutely amazing job and Exceptional class
Finally, on to Mr. Dave Buckley, our instructor. Extremely impressed with the amount of knowledge and experience he has for instruction with interviewing and interrogations. I have been a criminal investigator with the Air Force for over six years now and have been looking forward to attending this class. I have heard nothing but great things about the class and Mr. Buckley did not let me down. From the my first contact with him on the phone prior to class, I was impressed with him wanting to know what his audience was going to consist of to ensure he delivered the appropriate information at the appropriate level. Mr. Buckley provided and delivered the information in a way no other instructor I have seen do before. He made the information easy to attain, and kept you involved ready to learn more. There is no doubt behind what I have read and hear about him being one of the leading instructors, spot on. After speaking with some of the other attendees we had at the class, I know they all shared the same experience as I did. I am looking forward to utilizing the class information gained on my future interviews and interrogations.
Again sir, thank you very much for such an exceptional class and program. We are already talking about hosting another class next year and we look forward to working with you all again in planning this class out. Thank you.
Your work (Reid and Associates) has done more to bring about professional policing in America than all other law enforcement advancements in the past 30 years. Dear Joseph, You are very welcome. I feel a personal debt to the Reid program. It has helped me resolve several heinous, unsolved crimes. And more importantly, families of victims have gone from being fearful, frustrated and angry, to living with peace of mind and a sense that justice has been done. I took the Basic Course in 1989, and the Advanced in 1992. I was an active polygraphist from 1993 - 2002. I have personally seen the Reid program transform the ability of law enforcement to solve crimes. I am now in the twilight of my police career, and I am looking forward to the next chapter in life. In my mind, your work has done more to bring about professional policing in America, than all other law enforcement advancements in the past 30 years. My very best to you,
Chuck Kopp Bristol Bay Borough Police Department
"The Reid training was the most pervasive and complete training I have ever received. The techniques are definitely applicable to the types of investigations I conduct and have significantly increased my abilities to investigate cases and obtain truthful information. No question, it was worth every penny."
Bryan Carver VA. Dept of Juvenile Justice OIG
"After 10 years as a Polygraph Examiner and having attended several different versions of this class from other places it was nice to be able to get the "Real McCoy"
Richard Breece Colorado State Patrol
Upon completion of the three-day regular class, I was able to obtain a confession the next day using information taught in the course. An opportunity to attend the advanced course was available in my area and without hesitation I signed up. The information presented in the combined courses is the main stay of my on going training... It has increased my job success ten fold.
Michael A. Long Cox Communications
"I have not only increased my confidence during interviews and interrogations, I have also been asked to assist in interrogations by other agencies, outside of my own, due to this training..."
Detective John Funk Hutson NY PD
I want to let you know that, outside of my basic recruit training at the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy, the Reid School of Interviewing and Interrogation has been the most effective tool I have used in getting a confession or incriminating statement from a suspect then any other professional law enforcement training I have received. It has been invaluable to me in my career in the criminal justice system. I attended both the basic and advanced courses and I would recommend any law enforcement officer to take this course, from the street officer through the top investigator or detective.
Scott Davis Indiana Family & Social Services Administration
Delaware Health and Social Services extolls the benefits and value of Reid Training In May of this year we presented our three day training program on The Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation for the Delaware Health and Social Services Division of Adult Protective Services. We recently received a letter from the Division Administrator who related the favorable experience that they had in using the techniques that they leaned in the training to solve cases, concluding with the statement that: "This Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation worked perfectly for the social worker. Your training gave my staff the tools and confidence to obtain a positive outcome to the case. Again, thank you for bringing this valuable training to the State of Delaware."
Delaware Health and Social Services
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Forensic Interviewing for Attorneys
Listed below are the evaluations from 30 members of a state Attorney General's office after attending the Forensic Interviewing for Attorneys program:
     
The following evaluations are from the Forensic Interviewing seminar that we presented to the Illinois Attorney General's office in April, 2012:






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Investigating Use of Force for Field Supervisors
Good topic, great training, outstanding instructor.<br>
Sgt. Derek Howe North Reading Police Department
The course was great, Good experienced instructor. Super Job.
Roger Langevvin NASA
Program was well put together and the instructor was outstanding!
Chief Tim Callahan Bridgeview Police Dept
Content of course was good & informative instructor. Necessary topic that all supervisors should have training in.
Richard Sexton, Lt.Sgt Boston PD.
Great delivery by a "police officer". Honest and open minded.
Sgt. Micheal Ledoux Nashua, NH
Dear Mr. Buckley, I would like to take this opportunity to commend Chief Chuck Gruber for his professionalism and expertise on his recent presentation to the Rockford Police Department. Chief Gruber spent two-and-a-half days instructing on "Use of Force" to our Senior Command Staff, Supervisors, as well as Attorneys from the City of Rockford Department of Law, Winnebago County States Attorney's Office, the Police Benevolent and Protective Association Unit 6 Board Attorneys and members. I received numerous positive comments on Chief Gruber's knowledge of subject matter and his connection to the class. In addition, Chief Gruber took additional time for a half-day session with our Legal Director and Senior Command Staff to discuss managing the "Use of Force" process. You and the entire John Reid staff should be proud of the professional work Chief Gruber provides on behalf of your company. Job well done! Sincerely,
Chet Epperson Rockford, IL
Instructor made info easy to understand Chief Gruber is an excellent instructor.
Steven Trapp Indian River County Sheriff
Excellent class one of the best I have been to in years I will recommend to all of my supervisors
Commander Guy Hoffrage Addison Police Dept
Chief* Gruber clearly has a vast knowledge of the topic & is a very good instructor.
Alan Patton Detective Sergeant Grand Prairie Police Dept
Excellent Instructor, Information was very informative and applicable to my department's new use of force policy
Det. Sgt. Gary Harrison Glendale Heights Police Dept.
The instructor was extremely knowledgeable w/the subject matter & address real situations. The program was good.
Anthony Troy, Sgt-detective Boston PD.
A lot of useful information condensed into a 1-day seminar.
Sgt. Dennis Rame Loveland PD.
I would like to take this opportunity to comment and thank you for allowing our department to host The Reid Program "Investigating Use Of Force for Supervisors". The class was very well received by all who attended. Chief Charles Gruber did an outstanding job delivering the program. Chief Gruber provided a tremendous expertise and personal experience. I have suggested to our Deputy Chief of Operations that we not only host the program again but that we send all our supervisors to the program.Chief Gruber also spoke with me about adding a leadership component to the program which I think would be a great match to the program.
Lieutenant Daniel Fitzgerald M.B.T.A. Transit Police Department
This was the best "Police" course I have taken. Mr. Gruber was very knowledgeable on the subject - Good Integration of videos
David Alatorre Hamilton Police Dept
Chief Gruber is obviously a subject matter expert. He had a very good presentation
Sgt. Matthew Burns Chesapeake Police Dept
Frank and straight forward information, Videos were very helpful
Captain/Invest Cmdr Timothy Bauer Mission Police Department
I just wanted to drop you a line about the training we hosted in Janesville, Wisconsin on February 26, 2008. Chief Gruber presented "Investigating Use of Force for Supervisors." The feedback I received from many of the students was outstanding. Having the quality instructor like Chief Gruber made my job very easy as the host agency. We are looking forward to having Chief Gruber back in October 2008.
Sgt. Brian Donohoue Janesville Police Dept. Janesville, WI
Chief Gruber is a very dynamic speaker and the material presented is very up to date.
Sgt/internal affairs, Steven G. McGrath Will County Sheriff's Dept, Joliet, IL
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Comments on Behavior Symptom Analysis
"I can clearly tell now (on most subjects) how to read the body language. The obvious is right in from of your face, but not apparent before I attended the Reid Course."
Brad S. Stille Greene County Sheriff's Dept.
"Increased my ability to resolve cases. Also, the techniques have helped tremendously in other aspects of my job. David Buckley was an excellent instructor and kept my attention at all times. Keep up the good work."
Shane P. Moore St. Bernard Police
Just wanted to touch base with you following last weekis Harrisburg class. As we talked, I had a pretty big interview with a child sex abuser coming up. While I do these interviews quite often, this was my first one following your class. I followed your program to a T. I first did my interview with lots of background followed by BAI questions, and guess what? He fell right into the behaviors you showed. Specifically, he said he iwas no perverti and that ithose people are sicki, but when asked what should happen to them, he said iThey should get counseling or some help, but not jaili. When I asked if I should get the state AGis office or the FBI involved to help find the abuser, he said that was not necessary and a waste of time. He was deceptive on most questions, as if your textbook was based on him alone. Following the interview portion, I let him sit for about 10 min, and came back in. I did the standing portion, then sat and restated my accusation. He fell right into denial mode, but I wouldnit let him speak. After 10 min or so, his head dropped, and he cracked. Now, he had known about this interview and allegation for a few weeks, so he had an excuse. He admitted most of the abuse, but tried to restate it that he was checking the childis genitals for medical problems (while watching porn on TV). Good try, but no dice. Our DA was very happy with my interview, and I am more than thankful for you and your methods/tricks/hints. Thanks again, and keep in touch.
Detective Jason F. Cleck Lebanon County Detective Bureau
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Physical and Neglect Child Abuse Injury Reconstruction Techniques
Impressive! Instructors experience & how he related his knowledge of the subject
Inv. Tora Powers Riverdale PD
I learned how to identify different kinds of weapons used against kids; I am a teacher not a police officer.
Llona Chapman AU Safety Dept
This is one of the most informative training classes I have attended
Course absolutely fantastic. Best child abuse seminar I have attended
Detective Mark Lawrence Muscatine PD
Michael Primeeaux One of the best training seminar/schools I have been to.
I had the opportunity to attend your class regarding Child Abuse Injury Reconstruction and Computer Facilitated Crimes Against Children on December 13th and 14th of 2007, in Baltimore, Maryland. From that training I was able to use some of the written material in my report and in an interrogation of a suspect of physical child abuse case, involving a broom stick as the weapon, where he subsequently confessed.
Detective Jason Crawford Cecil County Bureau of Investigations
Bobis presentation is the best!
Detective Mike Drugan DuPage County Sheriffs Office
Excellent Instruction and Knowledge of Material Presented
Corporal Cory Heffelfinger Auburn Police Dept
The handout was great and will be of great use to me in the future as a reference book.
Det Edmond F Moore DuPage County Sheriffs Office
Bob Farley was an excellent instructor with a wealth of knowledge and experience to relay to students
I would recommend this class for all law enforcement
The information presented at this training was very detailed and the trainer was straight forward. I would like to attend more trainings hosted by Mr. Farley. This training was very good!!!!!!
Diana Key Dept of Social Services/Office of Community Services
February 12, 2008 Dear Mr. Farley, My name is Detective Jason Crawford of the Cecil County Bureau of Investigations, Cecil County Sheriffis Office. My partner and I work out of the Child Advocacy Center and handle all of the child abuse cases and sex crimes for Cecil County, Maryland. We had the opportunity to attend your class regarding Child Abuse Injury Reconstruction and Computer Facilitated Crimes Against Children on December 13th and 14th of 2007, in Baltimore, Maryland. From that training I was able to use some of the written material in my report and in an interrogation of a suspect of physical child abuse case, involving a broom stick as the weapon, where he subsequently confessed. At the end of January 2008, I spoke to you briefly in San Diego, California at the International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment and also attended your seminar. I wanted to take the time to thank you for your efforts and also forward you the wording that I used in my case. If you or anyone you teach can use the below statement, feel free to pass it on as we are all on the same team. According to Matthewis statement, he used the broom as a weapon of opportunity in an act of rage, striking Abriannais back. Det. Crawford observed the photograph of Abriannais back taken by CPS and the injury pattern appears consistent with a fixed, open ended object, such as a broom. The multiple line bruises that Abrianna sustained to a non-accidental injury area of her body would suggest more than one strike. Again, thank you for everything.
Detective Jason Crawford Cecil County Bureau of Investigations
Excited to take class that John E Reid & Assoc puts on Great Job
Larry Harless Yorktown Police Dept
Your programs make good cops better due to high quality of instruction
Great ability to teach, was interesting and able to deliver information in a dynamic way
Detective Terry Garmon Moline PD
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Prosecutor's Comments
Dear Mr. Buckley: I am so glad that you have given me an opportunity to comment about the Reid course. I would like to express my gratitude for being given a seat in the program. I found it to be very interesting. What I liked most about the whole program is the simplicity of the concepts. It really is a matter of watching people and being observant. I like that the class is not geared strictly to law enforcement, so it is easier for LEOs to see how the basic concepts of the technique work. I would recommend this class to all of my officers. It will help me in my own interviews of witnesses/victims and it always helps me to know what my officers should be doing and what they should know. I really cannot think of a way to improve the class. Obviously, as a former police officer and a prosecutor I always want to know the outcome of the interviews, but they are very interesting to watch. Again, thanks for allowing me to sit in on the class. Sincerely,
Sherri Schuck Pottawatomie County Attorney
I recently attended the basic and advanced course in Aurora, CO. as a sort of refresher course. I originally was exposed to the Reid Technique when a college student in 1971 and attending classes in the Law Enforcement Administration program at Arapahoe Community College in Littleton, CO. At the time, my emphasis was more on passing the class than on absorbing the material, but as I progressed in my career as a peace officer, I used the technique more and more and it all started to make sense. Now as a prosecutor, I use those skills on a daily basis when dealing with victims, defendants/suspects and witnesses n in the courtroom and out. I got a lot out of the class I recently attended, all the more so because of the great presentation by Mr. David Buckley. Consequently, in the future I will send my other attorneys and investigator to benefit from your training.
James Wilson, District Attorney 22nd Judicial District
The course was excellent and exceeded my expectations. I have taught iConfessionsi at the Advanced Criminal Law course for the State Bar and I mention your course. I will recommend it to prosecutors in the future as the information is useful for grand jury investigations and cross examinations.
Cindy Stormer District Attorney, Cooke County Texas
I have heard about the "Reid School" for years. I was excited by the offer to attend and was fortunate to be able to make time for the course. Just wanted to let you know that I found it to be very informative. I think it is well structured and the instructor I had was phenomenal at making his points. I believe the four days I spent learning from him will benefit my ability to interview prospective witnesses and jurors during trial prep. I also think it will help me evaluate and offer constructive criticism to my local officers with respect to the interviews that they conduct. I will be recommending the Interview School, as well as some of the other courses mentioned, to our local police departments. Thank you for the experience.
Jarrod Holtsclaw Prosecuting Attorney for Greene County IN
Dear Mr. Buckley, Thank you for your email, I had not taken the opportunity to contact you and thank you for the privilege of attending your training seminars, so I am taking that opportunity now. Thank you! Bill, the presenter, did an outstanding job presenting the information. I will recommend these seminars to the local law enforcement as I was impressed with the effectiveness and professionalism demonstrated in the use of the method during actual interviews shown at the seminar. Again thank you.
Nathan Cox
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Hiring The Best
Dear Mr. Parisi, On behalf of Lower Pottsgrove Township Police Department, I would like to extend my sincere appreciation for conducting the seminar, iHiring the Best,i in Pottstown, Pennsylvania on April 1, 2008. This is the first time Lower Pottsgrove Police Department hosted any type of seminar of this magnitude. Thanks to you and John Reid and Associates, this program was a huge success. As you know, we had a very respectable turnout (40 attendees) from agencies across Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey. The success of this endeavor certainly has a positive reflection of Lower Pottsgrove Township, and for that alone we greatly express our gratitude for helping us make this a positive experience. Your presentation was professionally done, instilling a positive image of John Reid and Associates. Your seminar is certainly an advertisement in i
Michael A. Foltz Detective Sergeant/ Officer-in-charge
Hi Debbie, I wanted to share the feedback we received from this training and Mr. Byington. Our group was very diverse from attorney's to front line hiring managers. EVERYONE thoroughly enjoyed this training and found Mr. Byington to "know his stuff" and the information was very useful in what we do. Also he was flexible in conforming his training to our hiring needs. In part, this training has caused interest in our other Reid trainings we have scheduled and we have had requests from other program areas to attend these. The video's were very useful in showing "real life" scenarios and examples.
Kelly A. Faircloth Field Services Coordinator Circuit 14
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