This new 427 page reference text offers detailed information applying the Reid Technique to unique and specific issues encountered during the course of an investigation.
Since 1998 the authors have written articles called "web tips" which were posted on the website of John E. Reid and Associates. These web tips covered topics ranging from behavior symptom analysis and interviewing techniques to interrogation procedures and updates on legal decisions. In total, more than 130 web tips have been posted. The spontaneity of the Internet allowed the authors to address contemporary issues and maintain updated information on detection of deception research and case law.
The topics of many of these web tips were selected as a result of questions asked by participants attending our three or four day training seminars on the Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation. Consequently, they address issues investigators frequently encounter when conducting interviews or interrogations. This field guide was developed to organize and index information from these articles in a manner that allows investigators to efficiently find answers to common questions relating to interviewing and interrogation practices and issues.
Additionally, this field guide serves as a resource to refresh and reinforce our readers with some of the fundamental information learned during our seminars, while at the same time expanding on that material with some advanced concepts. The information within these articles represents our most current views on interviewing and interrogation, as well as addressing the most recent court decisions and expert opinions relating to The Reid Technique.
In preparing this Field Guide, we have assumed that the reader has some familiarity with the Reid Technique, either by having attended one of our training programs or by reading our text book, Criminal Interrogation and Confessions, 5th edition, 2013. If the reader has not done either, some of the material may not be understood in the proper context.
Available January 2014
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1. Overview of The Reid Technique Historical Development Factual Analysis Behavior Symptom Analysis Reid Nine Steps of Interrogation
CHAPTER 2. Factual Analysis Evaluating One-on-One Allegations . Evaluating the Truthfulness of a Reported Sexual Assault . Evaluating the Suspect Who Accepts Responsibility for the Crime Don't Overlook The Person Who Reported The Crime The Significance of Identifying Precipitators During a Criminal Investigation Evaluating Inconsistencies Within An Account Assessing Attitudes: The Victim Mentality Catching a Suspect in a Lie Not Always a Symptom of Guilt Willingness to Repay Stolen Funds Not Always an Indication of Guilt
CHAPTER 3. Interview Room Setting and Environment Designing an interview / interrogation room Creating a temporary interview room Having a third person in the interview room Electronic Recording of Interviews and Interrogations
CHAPTER 4. Basic Interviewing Procedures . Eliciting A Subject's Willingness to Submit to a Voluntary Interview Interviewing vs. Interrogation Developing an Interview Strategy Establishing Rapport With A Suspect Conducting a Custodial Behavior Analysis Interview Maintaining Objectivity During an Interview Question Formulation Guidelines The Importance of Pursuing Communication with Others During an Interview Do You Invite People to Lie to You? Are You a Good Listener? Considerations for an Investigator's Attire
CHAPTER 5. Behavior Symptom Analysis General The Role of a Subject's Attitudes in the Detection of Deception Using Baseline Behaviors to Establish "Truthful" Responses The Importance of Context Within Behavior Symptom Analysis The Influence of the Investigator's Demeanor on a Subject's Behavior Behavior Symptom Analysis During Roadside Interviews Innocent Suspect's Responses During Interrogation Nonverbal Evaluating a Subject's Posture During an Interview The Role of Eye Contact During Interpersonal Communication Neurolinguistic Evaluation Evaluating Hand Behavior During an Interview Incongruous Behaviors Paralinguistic Paralinguistic Communication Laughter and the Detection of Deception Verbal Interpreting Verbal Phrases Evaluating Omission Within a Suspect's Statement Evaluating Admissions Against Self-Interest Word Games Deceptive Suspect's Play Quoting Statements in an Open Account: Truthful or Deceptive? The Significance of Listing in Behavior Symptom Analysis The Significance of Specific Denials During Interviews and Interrogations
CHAPTER 6. Psychological Aspects of Detection of Deception If a Lie is Repeated Often Enough, Can a Person Come to Believe the Lie is True? Good vs. Bad Liars Investigating Attention-Motivated Fabricated Crimes The Esteem-Motivated Offender The Role of Defense Mechanisms in the Detection of Deception The Role Of Consequences in Detecting Deception The Role of Motivation in Detection of Deception Research The Psychopathic Suspect
CHAPTER 7. Specialized Interviewing Techniques Investigating Issues of Intent Investigating Possible Fabricated Claims Selecting The Proper Issue in a Child Physical Abuse Investigation . The Use of an Interpreter During an Interview Interviewing Witnesses Taking a Statement from a Victim or Complainant Conducting an Exit Interview Issues to Consider Regarding Possible Suicidal Suspects Interviewing the Elderly Suspect Handling The Angry Suspect Eliciting and Evaluating an Alibi The Bait Question in the Age of Computer Technology Going Directly from an Interview into an Interrogation Considerations With Respect to the Use of Evidence During an Investigation
CHAPTER 8. The Reid Nine Steps of Interrogation Interrogating a Suspect on the Issue of Identity Theft Interrogations of Children The Importance of the Transition Statement During an Interrogation The Use of Third Person Themes The Use of Rationalization During an Interrogation Theme The Use of Evidence During an Interrogation The Use of Visual Aids During an Interview or Interrogation Responding to a Suspect's Request to See Evidence During an Interrogation The Use of Trickery and Deceit During Interrogation Selling The Suspect on the Benefits of Confessing Selecting The Proper Alternative Question The Use of the Restitution Question During an Interrogation Distinguishing Between Admissions and Confessions The Importance of Corroboration Within a Confession Proper Techniques for Witnessing a Confession Documenting Field Confessions Electronically Recorded Confessions
CHAPTER 9. Legal Aspects of Interviewing and Interrogation What Exactly is the Reid Technique of Interrogation Miranda, Article 31 and Constitutional Advisements Civil Liabilities Associated With False Confessions Guarding Against Claims of False Imprisonment Interogation Procedures: Promises of Leniency The Danger of Threatening Inevitable Consequences Legal Considerations When Asking an Alternative Question Lying to a Suspect : How Far Can the Investigator Go?
CHAPTER 10. False Confession Issues False Confession Cases: The Issues . Motives for False Confessions The Importance of Accurate Corroboration Within a Confession Research Review: The Lie, The Bluff and False Confessions The Use of the Accident Scenario During an Interrogation The Feasibility of an Analytic Assessment to Identify False Confessions
CHAPTER 11. Best Practices of The Reid Technique A Quick Guide to Best Practices for the Reid Nine Steps of Interrogation Interview Before Interrogation Common Errors in Evaluating a Suspect's Truthfulness Through Behavior Symptom Analysis Use Caution Before Expressing an Urgency for a Suspect to Confess The Importance of a Written Statement
CHAPTER 12. Miscellaneous Topics The Polygraph Technique Part I: Theory . The Polygraph Technique Part II: Value During an Investigation The Computer Voice Stress Analyzer (CVSA) Screening New Employees The Importance of the Employment Application Verifying an Employment History During A Pre-employment Interview Background Investigations Conducted Over the Telephone Testifying on a Suspect's Behavior Symptoms
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